Year 12 Subjects – French
Level: Year 12
Prerequisites: Year 11 French
Assumed knowledge: Year 11 French
Course Summary:
Stage 2 French has an emphasis on speaking tasks, creating texts in French, and responding to French written and aural texts. Students critically and creatively engaged with a variety of types of texts including French novella Le Petit Prince, formal and informal letters, magazine articles, and listening tasks. Grammar exercises have focused on revision tenses and French syntax, as well as introduction of new grammar such as the past historic tense and verbs with prepositions.
Course Content:
Stage 2 French at continuers level is organised around three prescribed themes. These themes have been selected to promote meaningful communication and enable students to extend their understanding of the interdependence of language, culture, and identity.
The three prescribed themes:
- The Individual
- The French-speaking Communities
- The Changing World
The course is broken up into three major assessment groups:
External Assessment (30%):
Written and oral exam (written exam is 130 minutes long. Oral exam topic is the same as student's in-depth study).
Moderated School Assessment (20%):
An in-depth study of one particular topic
- Written response
- Oral presentation
- Reflection in English 600 words max
Folio (50%):
- Interaction task
- Text analysis-novel
- Text creation - creative chapter
- Text creation - letter
- Text analysis in test conditions - article