ECCO - Students

ECCO Students (ECCOS) is a group of Secondary students who meet regularly throughout the year to explore local, national and international justice issues. They are a group passionate about seeing the world better reflect God’s love of people and creation.
Students help to plan and participate in school wide awareness and fundraising to address needs in the local and wider communities, with particular focus on local refugees, the Ernabella community, Indonesia and Cambodia. ECCOS is supported by two Emmaus teachers who are passionate about social justice and provide support for meetings and organisation of events.
You can support ECCOS
You can support ECCOS and their important work by:
- Supporting casual days with extra donations
- Learning more about our focus areas
- Advocating for organisations we support
National: Bible Translation: OT Pitjantjatjara
Pitjantjatjara is one of the few original 250 Australian languages that are still used daily. It’s learned by children as a normal part of growing up and is spoken by several thousand people who live in their traditional homelands in the northwest of South Australia, as well as parts of Western Australia and the Northern Territory. ECCO has continued to build links with the Ernabella Communities
International: Emergency relief in Indonesia
In light of the significant loss of life, property and livelihood of Indonesians in 2018 due to earthquakes and landslides, ECCO raised funds to go towards the relief efforts by World Vision International.
Family/Foster Care in Cambodia (Children in Families)
Cambodia is currently trying to reduce its dependence on orphanages, as international research shows orphanages should be the last case scenario. This effort, while supported by government, is largely dependent on international NGOs. For the last four years ECCO has maintained support for Children in Families, a Cambodian lead and run kinship and foster care organisation, which has Adelaide-born advisers from Interserve. Emmaus Christian College's Vietnam/ Cambodia Trip regularly connects with this organisation and ECCO continues that connection through raising awareness and funds at school.
ECCO - Teacher only projects
Sponsor Children
Justees - Shirts for Justice
Justees is a non profit vocational training and life skills development project in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Justees provides jobs and mentorship to at risk young men in Cambodian slums. They produce ethically made fashion products that speak the justice message around the world.
Emmaus supports this great organisation through purchasing t-shirts for College events including the ABW, and Cambodia Vietnam Trip.