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30 November 2023

The Rite Journey Homecoming

  • College News
  • From the Middle School

After a year-long journey of intentional challenges, tests, hard conversations and relationship building - all pointing to the challenges that lie ahead in adult life - our Year 9s have reached ‘home’.

On a breezy Tuesday evening, we celebrated with parents and mentors, the final stage of their rite of passage program, The Rite Journey.

Throughout the evening, we heard stories of the journey behind and aspirations for the future. We shared laughter and tears as we remembered and looked forward. We lift each of the 83 students up to God and pray they will be blessed and a blessing wherever they go. Each of them known by an all-wise God who calls them out onto the waters of an uncertain future with the rock-solid assurance of his constant presence.

Go well Year 9s! We're cheering for you.