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10 March 2021

Rite Journey Departure and Calling Ceremonies

  • From the Head of Middle School

What a privilege it was to meet with Year 9 parents for our recent Rite Journey Departure and Calling Ceremonies. A time set aside to pause, reflect and connect. An opportunity to consider the journey each student has had to bring them to where they are today. A time set aside to consider the faithfulness of God in their lives and the people that have shaped and impacted on who they are.

Raising young people requires patience. We all love the idea of standing tall on a mountain, gazing from on high the wondrous view from a position of success. The monotonous and arduous steps required to bring us there are much less enticing. It is clear that as humans we are on the endless search for quick and easy ways of reaching our desired destination with minimal discomfort. A life of discipline, integrity and faithful consistency is difficult and often undervalued in our media. Teaching, modelling and practising delayed gratification combats against this pursuit for instant fulfilment. And in the rush of modern life it is important for us to pause and take note of the Psalmist’s words, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).

Our Rite Journey program provides a valuable tool to assist with the important transition of children towards adulthood. But more than this, to celebrate, with thankful and grateful hearts the joy of journeying all of the ups and downs with loved ones, supported each step by our loving and faithful heavenly Father. I would like to sincerely thank all the staff, parents and students for embracing this time and the opportunity to mark the leaving behind of childish ways as they step up towards the journey of becoming all God has planned for them to be.

Jonathan Carpenter
Head of Middle School

Rite Journey Departure and Calling Ceremonies